Flash Mob dancing behind people without them knowing it! SUBSCRIBE! ► http://bit.ly/SubMF PATREON PERKS! ►► http://patreon.com/mediocrefilms Dancer ASSAULTED! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy9MRI8HlYQ Dancing Behind People at the Mall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPxT_bHU68M Dancing Behind People on a Cruise Ship 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkIDR1w5xkM Dancing with Strangers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRFzOnk7oBQ FACEBOOK GIVEAWAYS! http://facebook.com/mediocrefilms T-SHIRTS! http://mediocrefilms.spreadshirt.com Thanks to the Sea Monkeys of JoCo Cruise Crazy 2014 for dancing with me, and to my lovely wife Kim Evey Benson for shooting this! JoCo Cruise VLOGS coming soon to my second channel: http://www.youtube.com/mediocrefilms2 Music by Nathan O. Wills http://www.youtube.com/paradigma For now, check out the HAWAII CRUISE videos! Idiot on the Open Sea! - Hawaii Cruise Day 1 http://youtu.be/PMFMEIWUgxc Napkin Folding Douchebaggery - Hawaii Cruise Day 2 http://youtu.be/wC9R4Pksabg Karaoke Train Wreck! - Hawaii Cruise Day 3 http://youtu.be/59AHZowJpwQ I Want to Eat This Baby - Hawaii Cruise Day 4 http://youtu.be/KLchRcyopPc Exploring Oahu Beaches - Hawaii Cruise Day 5 http://youtu.be/oxyOgg7d4xw How to Pick Up Chicks in Kauai - Hawaii Cruise Day 6 http://youtu.be/P2iA7DOAuHs Best Nude Beach in Maui - Hawaii Cruise Day 7 http://youtu.be/YZO8HDBOFmI Wave Pool Disaster Waiting to Happen - Hawaii Cruise Day 8 http://youtu.be/rXRkHfA8NGA DOUCHEBAGGERY PLAYLIST: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=0DD355A924535469 Thanks for Subscribing! I love doing positive pranks! :) Greg TWITTER: http://twitter.com/mediocrefilms MAIN CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/MediocreFilms 2nd CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/mediocrefilms2 YESHMIN CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/YESHMIN WEBSITE: http://www.mediocrefilms.com GOOGLE+: http://gplus.to/gcb FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/mediocrefilms